Saturday, June 06, 2009

Creating “App Paths” using Powershell

I’m a big fan of Slickrun and its a tool I recommend everyone should have in their toolbox.

Unfortunately, working onsite on the client’s computers, installing third-party software is usually frowned upon. So I’ve got to make due by using the app paths.

The App Path technique of launching applications have have been around for a while. Read More:

The purpose of the script is to make the whole registry editing process a bit easier.

You can download the script here:

And execute it as such:

appPath.ps1 -key "notepad2.exe" "c:\windows\notepad2.exe"
appPath.ps1 -key "notepad2.exe" -path "c:\windows\notepad2.exe"

Where –key is the entry you would type in the Run dialog (please note that the extension is required).  And –Path being the actual path of the file.

Disclaimer: This script modifies the registry. Use at your own risk, I will not responsible for anything that breaks as a result.

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